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Home > Articles > History


A Brief History of Hackerdom
My thumbnail sketch of he history of the hacker culture, maintained since about 1992. I revised, expanded, and HTMLized for the O'Reilly collection of my essays. The definitive history of the hacker culture remains to be written, probably not by me.
http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/writings/hacker-history/ (3kb)

A history of hacking
Hacking has been around for more than a century. In the 1870s, several teenagers were flung off the country's brand new phone system by enraged authorities. Here's a peek at how busy hackers have been in the past 35 years.
http://www.sptimes.com/Hackers/history.hacking.html (16kb)

cap'n crunch in cyberspace
History of Cap'n Crunch
http://www.webcrunchers.com/crunch/Play/history/home.html (11kb)

Discovery Online, Hackers' Hall of Fame
Famous hackers. Infamous crackers. Modern-day Robin Hoods ... or educated thugs? Before you decide, check out our inaugural Hackers' Hall of Fame. Click on the names and the eras to hack into the story (OK, that's not really "hacking," but you can pretend).
http://www.discovery.com/area/technology/hackers/hackers.htm... (12kb)

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