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Home > Books > Programming


10 Minute Guide to Intranets
The guide covers the common features applicable to all Intranets in mini-tutorials, each of which can be completed in ten minutes or less. Timesaving tips, plain English definitions and "panic button" advice help users throughout the book. The text covers the two most popular Web browsers on the market: Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer.
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0789708558/onestopforwwfmer... (37kb)

1001 Programming Resources
For programmers who travel in the fast lane of the information superhighway, 1001 Programming Resources provides a roadmap to readily available solutions. This title is the ideal companion for any and all programming books, providing even the veteran programmer with valuable resources.
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1884133509/onestopforwwfmer... (40kb)

Advanced Java Networking
Advanced Java Networking gives the reader a well-rounded and fairly detailed introduction to Java networking technologies. The subjects Sridharan covers sound like a seminar list from a software development conference: IDL/CORBA, RMI, JDBC/SQL, JavaBeans, Castanet, JMAPI, servlets, and JavaOS, to name a few.
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0137491360/onestopforwwfmer... (45kb)

Amazon.com: buying info: 1001 Visual Basic Programmer's Tips
The book teaches the ins and outs of the visual Basic toolset and focuses on code, code, and more code. Additionally, the CD-ROM contains all the supplemental files the user needs, including GIF files for image manipulation, audio files for ActiveX controls that play sound, and HTML files that provide the programs' Web interface.
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1884133568/onestopforwwfmer... (42kb)

Amazon.com: buying info: The Absolute Beginner's Guide to Programming
Perfect for the person who wants to program but needs a good starting point! This book teaches readers the thought process and design behind programming as well as which languages fit their individual needs.
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0672302691/onestopforwwfmer... (50kb)

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