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Home > Encryption & privacy > Companies


Counterpane Internet Security, Inc.
Bruce Schneier's company.
http://www.counterpane.com/ (9kb)

Meganet Corporation - Virtual Matrix Encryption - Secure Information is Power.
Meganet Corporation - developing new encryption algorithms.
http://www.meganet.com/ (26kb)

SoftWinter, Transparent disk encryption solutions
SoftWinter is a developer of seNTry 2020, the first transparent encryption product for Windows NT. The company also provides development and consulting services.
http://www.softwinter.com/ (105kb)

SSH - Front Page
SSH Communications Security Ltd.
http://www.ssh.fi/ (14kb)

Outsourcing of security, information technology and general functions. Outsource resources and tools.
http://www.outsourcing-toolkit.com (11kb)

Welcome To RSA Security Inc. -- The Most Trusted Name in e-Security
PKI encryption using RSA algorithms and authentication offers e-business security your users can trust. RSA security's digital certificates and data encryption standards create the most secure environment on the web
http://www.rsasecurity.com/ (25kb)

WRQ Tech Update: Reflection for the Web and Security
White paper on security for terminal emulation and host connectivity when using WRQ's Reflection product.
http://www.wrq.com/news/whitepap/0583.html (26kb)

Software Outsourcing
Various items to support external hire and outsourcing of software development and security development.
http://www.application-outsourcing.net (26kb)

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