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Home > Forums > Conventions > Europe


2600 Meetings Around the UK & Scotland
http://www.crossbar.demon.co.uk/2600.htm (7kb)

chaos communication camp - the rendezvous
chaos communication camp - the rendezvous.
http://www.ccc.de/camp/ (3kb)

HACK.gr : 2600 meetings
http://www.hack.gr/2600/ (2kb)

hackHull? - Meets
Hull, England
http://www.hackhull.com/meets/ (19kb)

Hacking In Progress
Everything you need to know about HIP, a hacker festival in the Netherlands which took place on the 8th, 9th and 10th of August 1997.
http://www.hip97.nl/ (5kb)

London 2600
London, England
http://www.london2600.org.uk/ (2kb)

Infosecurity 2000 Exhibition and free conference is the largest dedicated IT security forum in Europe, bringing together professionals interested in IT security with suppliers of security hardware, software and consultancy services, and aims to heighten awareness of the commercial importance of secure and reliable access to corporate information.
http://www.infosec.co.uk/ (1kb)

WANnull - The Site
Dutch computer gathering.
http://www.wan.nl/ (4kb)

http://www.2600.fr.st/ (1kb)

9 resource(s) in this category...

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