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Home > Hackers > Groups
![]() ![]() One of the best and well known hacking groups on the net. Also we have VERY good and informative magazine. You just need to subscribe in the mailing list to receive it. Check why BlackCode is #1 http://www.blackcode.com/ (6kb) ![]() Famous german hacking group. http://www.ccc.de (15kb) ![]() This is the home page for the Cult of the Dead Cow. http://www.cultdeadcow.com (3kb) Welcome to RootAccess! The Computer Underground where British H@ckers/Crack3rs r001 Hey all!, Were a group of British Hackers, if you would like to see what we have and done then come in. Newbies and Advanced Hackers welcome. http://www.rootaccess.co.uk/ (12kb) (c)º°¨¨°º(c) CrewX NetWork Productions (c)º°¨¨°º(c) The CrewX site...enter at your own risk...we know where you live... http://www.crewx.cjb.net/ (1kb) * * HackeR CreW * * The Best Hackers Crew All Around The World, Members Only. http://www.hackercrew.org/ (11kb) - =[ Knowledge's Slaves Hacker ]= - kSh es una grupo Dominicano, que tratara temas relacionados con el Under Hispano... http://www.kshezine.org/ (2kb) - [ S y s t e m E r r o r ] - Your Number 1 Hacking Resource It is a really good group. it is still under alot of construction. it has the troja and the txt areas up http://system-error.virtualave.net/ (16kb) ---[ : The X_TeaM : ]--- The X-Team http://hellfyre.cjb.net/ (1kb) --={ThE ~DaRk~CoRp}=-- --------[DaRkcorp]------------ -windows progs linux/unix-progs /crackers / nukes / trojans / hacked sites / dos/ http://www.darkcorp.cjb.net/ (1kb) -= DHW 2000 =- El grupo DHW, hay cosas de hacking, phreaking, anarchy, y cracking. http://DHW2000.cjb.net/ (1kb) -= DHW 2000 =- DHW. Hacking,Cracking,Anarchy,Phreaking. Programas,Boxes,Cookbooks,textos,links,busqueda y mas. Esta en español. http://www.DHW2000.cjb.net/ (1kb) -= E z k r a c h o T e a m =- - Seguridad Informática Sitio Argentino de Hacking, Phreaking & Cracking. Home del Ezkracho Team. Forum de discusiones. http://personales.com/argentina/buenosaires/ezkracho/ (4kb) -=Hacker's Ministry=- Looking for members! We have tons of hacking textfiles, personal hacker chat, file upload, and much more. http://hackers-ministry.8m.com/ (2kb) -=Orky's Page=- Orky's Page, this site is Orky's Homepage and contains resources relating to hacking , phreaking and computer sercurity (programs, texts, guides etc). Also available are images, free graphics, programs, links etc.orky's page is currently located in the UK http://www.orky.co.uk/ (5kb) -[ Lemon-And-Lime ]- Hacker-Supreme contain a large variaty of filez and txt related to Hacking/Phreaking/Security . For Linux and Windows . http://www.hacker-supreme.com/ (1kb) ...::: DC2600.org :::... Hacking, Phreaking, Cracking, Files, all the good stuff that all you haX0rs need. Awesome board, where newbies and all ppl can ask/answer question. Come and see the light:) http://www.dc2600.org/ (2kb) .:: 1999.2000 DarkVice ::. Internet Info , Java Scripts , Search , HTML , Sponsor list , Exploits http://DarkVice.Cjb.Net/ (2kb) 0ri0n Team Venezuela 0ri0n Team Venezuela - El Sitio Web para el hacker serio... con noticias sobre seguridad, criptografia, virus, linux, etc ... totalmente en español http://pleyades.sourceforge.net/ (32kb) 2600 Australia 2600 Australia, the local chapter of the New York group. http://www.2600.org.au/ (9kb) 3V Team Homepage Best croatian HPVCA site. we have it all. from warez to tutorials and wordlists. The best on croatian. Some people say "you won't get any audience", but people come, and language is not a barrier, soon, maybe even on english. http://3vteam.cjb.net/ (1kb) 404 Hacking Cracking Jagged T100 Unix hacking Downloads texts Security email thesaint1@mail.com http://jagged.cjb.net/ (66kb) :: United Hackers Association : Infomation Database :: UHA is a GREAT resource for all your underground needs! A huge archive for trojans, keyloggers, NT, Novell, Phreaking, Cracking, IRC, ICQ, Nukers, Mailbombers, Texts, Serialz,Sniffers, AOL tools, Compuserve Tools, BBS, Interviews with real Hackers, Crew Programz, Hackers Story, and more. Tons of stuff here! We even have their own unique proggies. http://www.uha1.com (4kb) ::: r00t-access crew official website ::: New r00t-access crew- defacing crew with downloads for unix/windows, mirrors of our past defaces, our texts, well organized exploits organized by OS, local/remote, #r00t-access on irc.dugnet.net http://r00taccess.cjb.net/ (1kb) ABC-Producer Wildcards Hacking Group online from 25.7.2000 Oni&Blade http://wildcards.jumpfun.com/ (3kb) abuselabs: welcome You make it, we break it. http://tribune.intranova.net/ (3kb) adi_h8 First Homepage Gostivar Hack Force http://www.adi-h8.homepage.com/ (3kb) ALPHA - Australian Legion of Phreakers Hackers and Anarchists ALPHA - Australian Legion of Phreakers Hackers and Anarchists. http://www.alpha.xs3.com/ (1kb) Altered Reality Altered Reality is an organization of hackers and other people with various talents. It is run by RebelX. http://alteredreality.mrcool.org/ (1kb) AntiOffline removing the Dot in Dot.com AntiOffline -- They Have Pokeman and other weapons of Mass Destruction http://www.antioffline.com (21kb) Asgard Asgard is a Spanish group about programming and security, with our own programas ,articles and more security related information. This Web is in Spanish http://asgard.connect.to/ (3kb) Association Crackz, keygenz, virii, drugs, anarchy http://association.cjb.net/ (1kb) atitude urgente Brazilian hack and security website. Informations about security on linux and windows nt. Hacking and security tools for download. http://www.hackcore.cjb.net/ (9kb) azure Site designed for the uk hacker/phreaker and beginners (neophytes) http://www.the-knight.co.uk/ (1kb) B-BOYZ B-BOYZ ENTERTAINMENT http://b-boyz.webjump.com/ (3kb) BAD SCORPIONS OFFICIAL SITE Computer security hacking, cracking, exploit, free call, phreaking, netcard hacking, jammerkillah and techno phone Bad Scorpions. http://www.badscorpions.8m.com/ (6kb) BadIndustry.8m.com Este sitio es del Bad Industry ® hacking latino encorntraras de todo nuñerz, troyanos, linux, proxys ... http://www.badindustry.8m.com/ (2kb) BEAMTO German Hacking Page http://beam.to/nhg.com (1kb) because-we-can.com The because-we-can.com website started on a group of crappy, old 486-class computers with old disks and broken face plates running FreeBSD. Our ADSL router was a 386. Most of our CPU cycles are still spent cracking RC5 keys, but the site is now served from... faster boxes running FreeBSD. Y? Because we can. http://www.because-we-can.com/ (4kb) Bienvenue Bienvenue sur le site du groupe XplosiF. Vous trouverez ici toutes les nouveautés du groupe, les archives, les projets, etc..... http://www.xplosif.org/ (1kb) Black Sun Research Facility Learn how to become a real hacker http://blacksun.box.sk/ (8kb) BlackGate Hacker's Team Home Page BlackGate Team Home Page - Pagina Web del grupo BlackGate. http://www.arrakis.es/~ffortega/ (3kb) BLACKICESREALM this is an cool hacking site whith all you need http://www.blackicesrealm.cjb.net/ (1kb) botb.cn.st - BOTB Hackers BEST OF THE BEST HACKERS http://botb.cn.st/ (1kb) Brain Storm Elite jeder hat seinen Preis, niemand ist frei!!! german hackz fake e mail @ icq irc bots trojans portlist aol progz texte anarchy MP3 forum password serialz crackz melissa virus viruii DVD premiere nuker java perl webshells bombenbauanleitung atombombe deutsch english scanners pinger firewalls http://www.BSE.web.ag/ (1kb) buha-security.de : hacken - cracken - coden One of the best German Hacking Groups! These people really help. http://www.busch-hacker.de/ (1kb) by the reason... or the force... The Kapz wish Project http://www.krakhen.com/ (11kb) Bytethieves Online Join our crew, we offer toolz for members check our hackchat every monday at 3 p.m. http://www.bytethieves.de.vu/ (1kb) C y b e r - S t r i k e /* just r00t it */ A:hover { color: white; text-decoration:underline; } [ k 0 d e ] [ t e x t j u a r e ] [ w w w b o a r d ] [ n e t u t l s ] [ o u r s h 3 3 t ] [ l i n k x ] [ n f 0 ] [ c o n t a c k e d ] http://www.Cyber-Strike.com/ (5kb) Chaos Computer Club e.V. Chaos Computer Club e.V. http://www.ccc.de/ (15kb) CHAOS LEGION Chaos Legion is a european\american group, which does much in the hack scene. We have many fun files. Texts\Trojans\Amail\Virii\D.O.S\Phreaking files\Unix\ and XXX passes http://www.chaoslegions.cjb.net/ (1kb) checksum.org Checksum.org http://www.checksum.org/ (4kb) Chops's Best and The Latest Up to date Warez Links Chops's Best and The Latest Up to date Warez Links - links to other password crackers - Links to Key Recovery Utilities and Resources -links to cryptanalysis tools and lessons - LINKS to Cracks, Warez, Serialz - links to Cracking Tutorials - Links to Cracking Tools - http://www.icon.co.za/~chops/cracks.htm (3kb) Círculo Negro Circulo Negro Home Page: Cracks, dll's, ocx, information, FFA links, groups, e-mail, and much more. http://www.circulonegro.cjb.net/ (1kb) CLT La comunidad hacker mas poderosa en venezuela http://www.cltve.cjb.net/ (1kb) Codemasters Get all the latest hacking tools, hacking games, xxx passwords, learn how to programme, and chat all about it http://www.geocities.com/codemastersuk/ (2kb) Crewl Underground Madness (cum) .-. Network Security & Hacking crewl underground madness - www-HQ - cum is a belgian h/p/a/v/c group specialized in hacking/coding - downloads, links, hire us, ... http://www.securax.org/cum/ (6kb) Cucaracha Hackers Team :::::...:::..---by choyero..:::....::::: El gobierno mexicano, nuestro enmigo. Si buscas informaciòn de hacking aqui lo encontraras somos pura plebe mexicana, y el hacking es nuestra vida....que chingue su madre el gobierno mexicano!!!!!!! viva mexico cabrones http://fly.to/cucaracha (3kb) CybeCS Security Archivez & Linkz http://www.c-y-b-e-c-s.org/ (4kb) D2 - Damatrix 2.0 A new perspective on hacksec. Including UNIX information, software, text, anti-virus, and denial-of-service protection. Is your system secure enough? http://www.damatrix.cjb.net/ (2kb) Da-Breaker-Crew Da Breaker Crew - Cracking for all we teach to crack manny releases and frendly member ;-) http://kickme.to/dbc (1kb) DabCorp Hack, crack, dvd, cdr, burning, mrbt ... http://dabcorp.webjump.com/ (4kb) DALGV GV is the best bosnian hacking group on the internet. they have a channel on dalnet. #gv http://www.dalgv.cjb.net/ (1kb) DAMAGE INCORPORATED We've been around in the scene since 1993, release a zine, scans, seperate h/p texts, Phreaky Field Phreaking List, interview hackers and phreaks, etc. http://surf.to/damage_inc (3kb) DARK CLAW DARK CLAW http://www2.50megs.com/darkclaw/ (2kb) Darktide, Inc. - Internet Media Darktide, Inc. is a company bringing you everything from the neatest clothing and web sites to the fastest race boats and the best home theater systems. http://www.darktide.com/ (7kb) DeadlyGods Hacking Empire|DeadlyGods Hacking Empire|DeadlyGods Hacking Empire|DeadlyGods Hacking Emp For all the Hackz, Warez, Crackz, DDLZ, Hack TXT, Appz, Progz, Gamez, Mp3z, 2_Pac Picz, Chat, and Linkz come to Deadlygods Hacking Empire| http://HackingEmpire.cjb.net/ (1kb) Deathstar2000`s Lair One of the best hacking sites on the net... http://www.deathstar2000.co.uk/ (3kb) Delacroix This site is maily based on hacking cracking and phreaking information. If your just here looking for intresting warez, feel free to look at anything i have listed, and tips on using them. There will also be add ons listed such as word lists updates tutorials ect. So please come back when you have the time to check for updates. http://www.delacroix.cjb.net/ (1kb) Demon Industry Demon Industry http://udemon.hypermart.net/ (4kb) devilsoul_intro DevilSoul Team http://devilsoul.com/ (3kb) digital access tons of apps, games, mp3's, lot more to come 150% free no pops and no bs http://zip.to/digitalaccess (3kb) DigitalAggression.Com - [ Word of the Day: LINKAGE! ] Digital Aggression is not just about learning what a hack is but showing how to defend yourself from one. We also want to teach new styles of web design like DHTML or FLASH. These are the newest and most affective ways to make a webpage and soon they will be one of the only ways. HTML may become something of the past! http://www.digitalaggression.com/ (30kb) DNFcrew Security related material in italian. http://dnfcrew.cjb.net/ (1kb) DomainValet Sitio hack en español defendiendo los ataques a usarios por parte de compañias como Telefonica http://www.achteam.com/ (1kb) Drink Or Die Entertainment Drink Or Die http://www.drinkordie.com/ (4kb) dr_rappa - Ph33r my HUGE p3nis! OHA - Online Hackers Association, Ph33jr http://www.o-h-a.org/ (1kb) DS-ISRC--DarkSide-Italian Security Research Crew DS-ISRC--DarkSide-Italian Security Research Crew http://m-a-t-r-i-x.gq.nu/ (8kb) ECD ECD http://www.thing.net/~rdom/ecd/ecd.html (10kb) echo root echo root hacking group - don't worry it's not porn, you won't go blind. http://www.echoroot.com/ (2kb) EliteHacker.br A informação ao seu alcance. EliteHacker.br A informação ao seu alcance. http://www.elitehacker.com.br/ (17kb) EMc We are back and stronger than ever! with one of the Largest databases of files and descriptions. Online books, Texts, asm virri files, rainbow collection, phreak progs schematics. And our own production of programs..! VISIT US NOW. http://www.emc2k.com/ (1kb) Enter Hacking Group. Essays, Cracking, Phreaking, Virii, Back Office, Remote Control Trojans, ZeroCool http://www.geocities.com/legacyofa/ (3kb) Entrance to the HackerZ Hideout The HackerZ Hideout - Website dedicated to bringing the world the latest information pertaining to computer system security. http://hackersclub.com/km/ (3kb) Excite Clubs GLOBAL UNDERGROUNG http://clubs.excite.com/thecollective/ (1kb) FATIH ÜNVER WEB PAGE fatih http://www.fatihnet.8m.com/ (5kb) felons dot org Just your average everyday technocriminals. http://www.felons.org/ (3kb) FergeNET Networks Inc. ~M Krew~ Masterson's Krew http://www.fergenet.net/ (6kb) File Not Found We only hack mIRC, but the thing is - WE DO IT GOOD ! ! ! http://www.crosswinds.net/~hackedweb/ (16kb) FortuneCity > 404 Error SHN - Hail the Underground !! Make thoz guyz FEAR ya ... http://www.fortunecity.com/skyscraper/bugfix/1280/ (11kb) FortuneCity > 404 Error Untitled5 contains versatail information on variouse subjects... http://www.fortunecity.com/skyscraper/basic/1002/ (11kb) GenocideX - We Are What You Think We Aren't We ahjve info related to hacking, security, phreaking, linux, unix, telnet, and much much more. http://home.cyberarmy.com/genocidex/ (4kb) GiN Hackers Site Recently created hacking group. All programs have been checked for trojans and bugs. Site has best projects and good tutorial files that are recently updated. Come and see for your self. http://gin.hotmail.ru/ (1kb) GitS-Network - we rule AUSTRIA GitS-Network Change Your Mind! 1st Austrian Hacker Group! Virii Cracks Hacks Labor's all in German! Ghost in the Shell rulz! http://gits2501.virtualave.net/ (2kb) Gloodynox Progy site! Gloodynox's Proger site with lots of own viruses and progz, great hacker stuff and lots of Fun. You have to visit it! http://www.gloodynox.de/ (2kb) Group[Shadow] Homepage Login Group[Shadow]Homepage everything on Hacking, Trojans, Viruses, Defence, FTP, HTML, IP, Texts, Programs its all here! http://www.groupshadow.co.uk/ (4kb) h3llrazerz hacking cracking trojans texts mail bombers nukes and a load of pther stuff i can't be bothered typing http://www.h3llrazerz.wxs.org/ (1kb) HACCs Hackers. Against. Code. Cops. The new Godz of tha net. Even more mightier than Bill Gates. http://www.HACCs.homestead.com/ (10kb) HACK UNITE© Just believe in your self http://hackunite.8m.com/ (2kb) Hacked DuA hacking/cracking/programming one of the biggest and best hacking groups! http://welcome.to/DUA (3kb) Hacker Sito tutto Italiano: Hacking, Phreacking, Hacking Satellitare, Crack, ICQ Tools, IRC... All!!! http://mov.to/newhacker (1kb) hackerhq New Resorces, News, Info., We Got It All Covered!!!!!! http://www.hackerhq.homestead.com/ (79kb) Hackers & Security hackers & Security in Seoul Korea http://hackers.joins.com/ (2kb) HACKERS HACKERS HACKERS HACKERS HACKERS The best arabian hacking around the fuckin world. http://arabcrack.homepage.com/ (3kb) Hackers-Online Hackers-Online http://www.hackers-online.com (3kb) HACKERS2000 massive file archive for unix,linux and windows covering all aspects of the computer underground. Also members needed for an elite group of hackers http://www.H2k.co.uk/ (11kb) Hacking cracking program virus and much free links entertainment etc. Great news for newbies I have a cool site where you can download some nice trojans like bo2k you should download schoolbus this program works much better then bo2k and has capabilities to scan the hole internet to find some infected people with trojans http://virus.hacking.webjump.com/ (4kb) Hacking Phreaking Cracking... German Hacking Site!!! http://www.rivendu.de/ (2kb) hacking4ever this is just you normal hacking site http://hacking4ever.homestead.com/hacking4ever.html (14kb) hackinthebox.org - hackinthebox.org A site with news on the hacker/phreaker scene also with a monthly zine dedicated to hacking/phreaking. The zine is available for Avantgo users as well. Filez section to be added soon as well. http://www.hackinthebox.org/ (39kb) HackIt-Team We are a small german Group, with only own Programs and Tutorials.We also have german and english books! http://hackitteam.cjb.net/ (1kb) HAO.ORG HAO was founded to create a safe arena for information exchange between computer users with the common bond of a thirst for knowledge. http://www.hao.org/ (18kb) Hell Of Web Seite rund um IT-Security und andere Computerspeziefische Themen wie z.B. Programmieren usw. http://www.geocities.com/hellofweb/ (3kb) hELL^hACKERz A site that had it all! no more to say http://www.hellhackerz.com/ (3kb) HFX International Org. - "Before the beginning of great brilliance, there must be chaos..." Worldwide hacker unification group. http://www.hfactorx.org/ (8kb) HiSpeed Technologies - Account Disabled Post-Mortem http://post-mortem.org/ (26kb) Holy Shit!!!!!!!!!! As it stands right now, we are only three strong, but are currently looking for new members to join the crew.Let's get one thing straight though. If your a lamer, don't bother. We got enough of you cretins running around as it is without adding you to our ranks as well. We are interested only in serious minded individuals, and people who aren't going to make alot of noise,so to speak. http://hackerz-r-us.4t.com/ (2kb) Home page ITSWEB.ORG Ultimate Site for all Your Hacking Needs http://www.itsweb.org/ (5kb) huteam.net Hacktivist unite team http://www.huteam.net/ (2kb) HäçKiÑg W@RÆz Everything You Need To Know About Hacking And More! http://www.hackerwarez.homepad.com/ (1kb) I . H . F We are staring the israeli hacking group - everyone can join us . we are under construction but some categories are working http://ihf.da.ru/ (1kb) ic3d inc security A group of programmers with new and original programs and source code for the. http://home.cyberarmy.com/icer/ (3kb) IIRG Home Page The International Information Retrieval Guild. Since 1982 involving Hacking Phreaking and Survivalism." http://www.iirg.org/ (6kb) Image From C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\Untitled-1.jpg Hacking, Phreaking, ETC http://www.phreak2000.com/ (1kb) index Webcams, Games, Downloads, celebpics, hackfiles, hackingclan! (link page). http://www.tahg.homestead.com/ (17kb) index KGB http://osc.inetg.bg/kgb-neon/ (7kb) index We are the Scottish hacking group will give software out http://geocities.com/psg_354 (10kb) Index of / Italian Collaboration Unix Hacking Gruppo Italiano http://itcuh.tripod.com/ (2kb) Index of /ehack Elite Hackers Association http://members.tripod.com/ehack/ (2kb) Index of /ehack Elite Hackers Association http://members.tripod.com/ehack/ (2kb) Index of /htwx Best belgium hackers site. http://bewoner.dma.be/htwx/ (1kb) Index of /thelastcomp The name of the site is The Last Computer War Hacking and hacking archives for advanced and new hackers.. http://members.xoom.com/Thelastcomp/ (15kb) Index One By Kozlik & Tesil New Czech hackers...... http://www.kat.fbi.cz/ (6kb) INDOLINUX PT. INDOLINUX MEDIA NUSANTARA http://www.hackerlink.or.id/ (1kb) International Hackerz Union Inernational Hackerz Union. http://ihu.cjb.net/ (1kb) Intro Screen... Statik code is a new up and coming hacker/phreaker group. visit us on dal.net in chan #statik http://www.angelfire.com/scifi/statikcode/ (7kb) JAGGED ALLIANCE HACKING --- Http://jagged404.cjb.net New Improved Hacking Site ... Virus, torjans,CGI,Unix Texts Nukers, Spoffers, Exploits, security, proxies, Mp3"s Downloads . Top100. News , Chat, ANd Many Many More JAGGED ALLIANCE HACKING http://jagged404.cjb.net/ (1kb) Kaosteam h/p/v/c/a files/articles/alliances/e-zines to come check it out http://www.kaosteam.org/ (2kb) KryptoCrew v2.0 Security related Informatins about hacking, cracking, phreaking, virii and trojans! http://www.KryptoCrew.de/ (1kb) La Taberna de Van Hackez - HOMEPAGE Underground archives: password crackers, trojans, scanners, ezines, virus, tools, etc, etc. + 300 MB on line. http://www.vanhackez.com/ (49kb) LastArmy's Inferno We are a fairly new group. We've hacked some basic shit. Come to us and find out just how good we are. http://www.lastarmy.cjb.net/ (1kb) LatinoWebMania LatinoWebMania http://latinowebmania.cjb.net/ (2kb) le portail des lascars francophones French speaking hackers' portal however 80% url are english speaking http://surf.to/lascars (3kb) LiQuId UNDERGROUND Hacking files, doc's, news & info. All the secrets of the web on or linked to this amazing site. Section for newbies, Download arcade, Hacked pay sites & Government misc. Hotmail, IRC, IRQ, AOL, mailbomers, nukers, passwords, phisers, virii ~ all the usual stuff here but from a fellow hacker & UK org. The Eastern Forces ~ LiQuId ~ http://321website.com/members/home/data/malcy/homepage.html (18kb) LiQuId UNDERGROUND The New Eastern Forces Frame based Website is finally up & running | ICQ | mIRC | Hotmail | Firewalls | Security | Assault | Hacking essentials http://www.321website.com/members/home/data/malcy/homepage.h... (18kb) LoD Good site i need hackers and good programers..please click on my sponcer. http://www.homestead.com/stoner2/hackersgroup.html (22kb) main we are starting ahcking gruop up and we ahve alot of the best trojans out.if you would be interested in join let us know at fbi_killa911@yahoo.com http://The_Elite_crew.homestead.com/main.html (15kb) makhack.net Macedonian Hacking Crews are talking there... Take a look of that page. I thing there is the best forum of all !! CE YA DUDS :) http://www.makhack.net/ (1kb) Masters Of Darkness The Masters of Darkness http://www.mastersofdarkness.com/ (4kb) MetaL TeaM Page WeB MeTaL TeaM Pagina OficiaL DeL MetaL TeaM #Espa-MetaL irc.msn.com tb IRC UneTe A NosoTroS. http://www.gratisweb.com/MetaL_TeaM/ (2kb) Mystic Mayhem HQ Mystic Mayhem´s official homepage with tons of H/P/V/C/A files. http://www.flashback.net/~mm/ (2kb) Mystifying Angels New group...trying to learn. Were in canada, come and visit us.... http://crash.to/ma (3kb) NBCi 404 Error Hacking Cracking Security Downloads Software Tools http://members.xoom.com/inhaas/ (14kb) NetSphere Inc. ® 2000 Computer Security,Programing ,lots of computer security programs, trojans etc.... http://netsphere.cjb.net/ (1kb) Neue Seite 1 Hier könnt ihr alles downloaden ! http://members.xoom.com/mrproof/ (3kb) Nosferatu Security and more... http://beam.to/nosferatu (1kb) Nu Omega Tau Security Site with info on hacking, WinU hacking, with homemade programs & texts! Visit! http://homepages.hack-net.com/ghetto/nuomegatau/ (3kb) Order Of The Hack A small hacker's group, including MANY text filez. http://www.ooth.8m.com/ (8kb) Overloaded is Dead! o v e r l o a d e d . o r g http://www.overloaded.org/ (1kb) Page has moved Crewl Underground Madness - [CUM] - Belgian h/p/a/v/c group - hack requests, downloads, links, news, ... http://bewoner.dma.be/cum/ (1kb) Payback Productions - mindrape, mindr4pe, payback, productions, paybackproductions, naked, women, nu A huge site filled with icq hacking downloads, hacked websites, the truth about drugs, and rants from america's disgruntled youth. http://www.paybackproductions.com/ (3kb) PC Network One of the most promising teams of 2000. http://www.psi-corps.f2s.com/ (1kb) Phantom Power in association with the Cybernetic Enforcers A United Kingdom based organisation. Collection of programs and info to help all people to hack phreak etc... especially good for people in uk. http://www.phantompower.co.uk/ (2kb) Planethack Planet Hack http://www.planethack.org/ (1kb) profit Vertigon Vertigon Labs Vertigon Labs ltd. VLL Digital Underground Team Website Design Latest Exploits Latest UNIX Exploits IRC Hacking Hacking Programming illegal programming illegal http://www.iol.ie/~aomeara/ (1kb) psychotik.org Psychotik Hacking Team Webpage http://www.psychotik.org/ (2kb) Q72 The site about the q72 hackers group http://q72.hyperlink.cz/ (1kb) Quebec Hacker's Alliance Web Network Internet Security, Programmation, Hacking Software, Free C/C++ and Internet Security Teaching, Proxy, and a lot more you'll like! http://www.qha.cjb.net/ (1kb) R a i n F o r e s t P u p p y Technotronic http://www.wiretrip.net/rfp/1/ (8kb) RAIS - Root Access A webpage from a hacking group called root access information security (RAIS). Check it out. http://www4.bcity.com/rootaccess/ (1kb) rebeli0n :mx komputer underground: Mexican computer underground team. http://rebelion.cjb.net/ (1kb) ROA The best hacking group on the net. http://browse.to/roa (3kb) Root Hackers Version 2.0a Root Hackers: A white hat hacker group. http://www.roothackers.com/ (2kb) s0ftpr0ject 2000 s0ftpr0ject2000 - Security for Y2K http://www.s0ftpj.org/ (5kb) Securepc2k.com 100% security Anti Virii-Firewalls-Port shit-Misc-T scanners and much more http://www.securepc2k.com/ (2kb) Security Horizon/Security Tribe Site offering tutorials, exploits, explanations, original content, and lots of cool FREE stuff. http://www.ducktank.net/ (1kb) SGP Web Hosting & Design texts and progz to help newbies learn to hack, and advance information for exprienced hackers. MP3's, cracks, webmaster resources, downloads and more. http://www.sgpsystems.com/ (20kb) Site Status Information, technology, programming http://www.darkmodem.org (4kb) SMAL H/C/P/A/V/W and Lammahs Icq tools, trojans, Linux, Os and Brazilian Hackers....The power of Hackers is the Brazil. http://www.smalhack.cjb.net/ (7kb) Smithklan.com! Home of SmithKlan - hacking group. http://www.smithklan.com/ (2kb) SOLDIERX.COM - Nobody Can Stop Information Insemination A group bent on spreading information and reuniting the underground to its former status. http://www.soldierx.com/ (4kb) start learn all the ways of hacking and check out our forum http://hackerschool.homestead.com/start.html (8kb) Statik Code Statik code is a new hacker/phreaker group. http://statikcode.cjb.net/ (1kb) Stupid shower of dumb american fucks Ruthless Hacking dot com is a new and rapidly growing computer security site. We are expanding our archives and updating the site daily. *We do not have warez/porn/serials/etc.* Come check it out. http://www.ruthlesshacking.com/ (2kb) SubArtic-X® Hacking,Cracking,Text Files,Linux,Unix,Programming,& Exploits http://www.subartic-x.8m.com/ (3kb) SubSeven If you wanna fuck somethin up, come on in http://subseven.slak.org/ (1kb) Swing-Youth Hacking The Swing-Youth hacking group, phreaking and hacking. http://go.to/swing-youth (3kb) Swing-Youth Hacking White hat hacking group, old school, we are into learning and gaining more knowledge...not destruction. http://go.to/swing-youth/ (3kb) SysSoft Web Services Programs made by us and much more, this is not a crap site like many other sites on the net, check it out http://system33.cjb.net/ (1kb) T G O hacking, cracking, codeing, networking, anarchy, email us at webmaster at thunderground.org http://www.thunderground.org/ (9kb) Tactical 13 A growing hacking group based in Canada http://welcome.to/tactical13 (3kb) TAHG Hacks, cracks, anarchy, phreaking, webcams, security, virus, trojans, hackerzclan, forum, store, free stuff, free sms, gsm melodies and more and more and more http://come.to/tahg (1kb) TANK COMMANDOS HOME PAGE Il sito del Tank Commandos: testi, programmi e quant'altro dedicato all'hacking e alla programmazione.. IN ITALIANO !!! http://go.to/tankcommandos (3kb) TCF - The Cracking Factory ... ready to crack the new millenium The official TCF site. Our Cracks are not bigger than 4KB!!! Download in 1 second!!!! Cracks, Tutorials, TCF Patch Installer v1.4b, ... http://www.tcf99.cjb.net/ (1kb) Team Moohaha! Team Moohaha is a team in the distributed.net effort. We intend to prove that cows and cow lovers can join forces to rule stats. http://moohaha.bovine.net/ (2kb) TeamHex... Cause were that damn good we need hackers,programers,artist to join my new clan http://www.homestead.com/h4ckers/ (2kb) Text Script Example Hackers Mexico http://members.tripod.com/Radikall/StartHackers.html (4kb) ThaGodFather'z Home - http://ISNO.away.ch Internet Security Network Organisation http://ISNO.away.ch/ (1kb) The Alliance Network Computer Manipulation http://www.thealliancenetwork.org/ (2kb) The brotherhood of Enclave The brotherhood of Enclave. Hackers against child pornography and internet stalking.The brotherhood needs you...If you are a newbie, we will train you. Join the brotherhood and rise to be one of our elite guard! Come join our effort. http://TheGovernment.com/enclave/ (2kb) The Digital Underground Assassins {DUA} The Digital Underground Assains - The Best Elite Hacking/Carding/Phreaking group in the scene... Fear us! http://thedua.com/ (1kb) The Game Galaxy Welcome to codekids, i have done a bit of redesigning. Take a look around, there is a lot of hidden crap around, odd scripts odd pages, and the sort. -reb0rn http://codekids.the-game-galaxy.com/ (1kb) The Hack Shack Elite Underground Search Engine http://www.hackshack.tsx.org/ (2kb) The Hacker's Defense Foundation The Hacker's Defense Foundation is a Not-for-Profit foundation dedicated and committed to the advancement of the hacking community, through education, of the social, political, and legal implications of the uses of technology, and seeks to enlighten the public and law enforcement about hacking community, through education, that hackers are not the lawless goons that law enforcement, the news media, and Hollywood would try to portray them as. http://www.hackerz.org/ (5kb) The Rebirth of TDYC! Technological Education Group http://www.tdyc.com/ (1kb) The Satanic Bible - Anton Szandor LaVey The Brotherhood of Warez new home on the net. Phear BoW http://www.bow.org/ (1kb) The SBHC Global Networks, L.L.C. Welcome to The Southbendh Hackers Club Homepage! The new hacking protal for the new millennium! Southbend, IN 46545 http://southbendhackersclub.com/ (17kb) The SBHC Global Networks, L.L.C. Welcome to The Southbend Hackers Club Homepage! We have many features on our site, including an online store, supplying hackers, phreaks, anarchists and terrorists! http://www.southbendhackersclub.com/index.html (17kb) The south african Hacking page Simply the best hacking group around!!! http://www.binaryoutlaws.warez.net/ (1kb) The Toxic Crisko Network Toxic Crisko Network - Hacks Cracks Cheats Death Obituary Serialz Warez Plus A Kick Ass Mall http://www.toxiccrisko.net/ (11kb) The WebAlias Network presents: hackercentral at browser.to/hackercentral Hacking and Cracking for the newbie who wants to learn. Texts, progs and much more. http://browser.to/hackercentral (8kb) The X-Hackers X-Hackers Network Security http://xhackers.cjb.net/ (1kb) Triad Security Linux, Exploits, News, everything for your security needs. Were not underground anymore, were everywhere, from your next door neighbor to your boss, were here! http://triadsecurity.sacone.com/ (1kb) TriForce Hackers We are a new group for beginners and for experienced hackers. Linux is the only operating system that we will use for out projects. http://www.triforce.genxer.net/ (1kb) Tripod OVER 600 MB OF HACKING STUFF... Come to see us.. http://members.tripod.com/minville/qha/index.html (8kb) Tripod The Legion of the Red Skull's hacking orginization homepage. Files avalable for the elite hacking and newbie alike. http://members.tripod.com/gretchensplice/ (9kb) Tripod A site i made has a couple of links and a download archive. weekly news. http://ceaserb.tripod.com/q80hackers/ (9kb) UC-Crew Hacking groups, phreaking and downloads. http://www.angelfire.com/bc/theUC/ (5kb) UkR-team ?Hacking group UkR? about team and a lot of interesting articles. http://www.ukrteam.com/ (8kb) United Hack3rs United Hack3rs: there are many tutorials, exploits, we are accepting members, here is everything u need to know to become a hacker, or should know if you already are http://www.unitedhack3rs.cjb.net/ (2kb) United Hackers New SPANISH web for rookie hackers. http://unitedhackers.miarroba.com/ (2kb) universal vault UniversalVault http://hacked.at/universalvault/ (1kb) Untitled Unique stuff comming soon, check as out, we at [HCA]- HackCode Association well bring you the best hacking/security resource at our best. http://www.angelfire.com/mb/hackcode/ (5kb) Untitled CrimeWave http://www.angelfire.com/punk/crimewave/ (1kb) Untitled An old time hacking group that started in 1992. We have one of the largest file archives on the internet and are a great source for viruses and unix driven systems. http://www.h51.com (1kb) Untitled Hack,crack,free stuff... http://www.apache.prv.pl (1kb) Untitled Underground Resistance web site. http://members.tripod.com/flexus91/ (1kb) Untitled Hacker Related http://www.finris.da.ru/ (4kb) Untitled CyBeR-TeK click for HACKING phreaking TXT program ICQ toolz IRC tollz nukers novell firewalls scaners and more... http://www.cyber-tek.8m.com/ (4kb) Untitled Cyberx-team website -->> hack ,linux ,security http://www.cyberx.interweb.pl/ (1kb) Untitled A new security site, text files and links -with a forum chk us out much more and email us with stuff you want!! http://home.cyberarmy.com/3rdlegion/ (5kb) Untitled Underground Technology is a Danish hacker group http://www.under-tech.com/ (2kb) Untitled Welcome in to the x2k crew's website! We host many and good hacking/security related files. We dont host 3000 OOB nukers and 4000 portscanners, we have the best to satisfy your needs. If you can't get to our site by this link then try www.x2k.co-inc.net or download the HTTP2-plugin for Internet Explorer! http://x2k.abstractzero.org/ (1kb) Untitled hacking, cracking, viri, trojans, portal, ffal, http://www.cotbs.com/ (1kb) Untitled Programas, textos y mas. Todos contra el gobierno mexicano http://www.geocities.com/h4mst3rz/ (1kb) Untitled The Dark Side Hackers http://nettrash.com/users/dsh/ (2kb) Untitled New Underground Security Site for Malaysian Political Reformation Movement Supporter. http://www.hackerzparadize.f2s.com/ (1kb) Untitled the electrohippies Electronic Activism & Electronic Civil Disobedience website http://www.gn.apc.org/pmhp/ehippies/ (1kb) Untitled Document Everything to do with the underground internet http://www.teamlie.com/ (3kb) VdC VdC inc. - The whole gamma of Underground Topics http://vdc.tsx.org/ (2kb) WebProvider(dot)com COOL HA everthing a hacker needs!!! http://www.gejat.com/ (47kb) welc0me to @_2500Hz - Underground Scene - [ I+D Research ] 2500Hz http://pagina.de/2500Hz/ (3kb) Welcome 2 DILA's domain... Drinking_in_LA's hacking lair. Trojans, mass emailers 'n' more! http://misc.4mg.com/ (2kb) WELCOME AT THE GITS_NETWORK MAIN MENUE GitS-Network Austrian Hacker Group -New-Age-Hackers- Deutsch und English. http://gits.virtualave.net/ (4kb) Welcome To Egyptian Hackers Society Egyptian Hackers Society - Dedicated For Both Professional And Amateur Hacker http://egyptianhackerssociety.virtualave.net/ (5kb) Welcome to The Cult Of Universal Chaos On this site you can find nearly everything (cracks, warez, xxx, toolz) and many more. http://www.tcouc.de/ (6kb) Welcome to the Sub PhreakZ ZoNE!! A new group of hackers looking for new members..so check us out. http://www.subphreakz.cjb.net/ (1kb) Welcome To TheUnderground Headquarters A hacking, programming and computer related texts based page. http://kickme.to/uhq/ (1kb) Welcome...................................Egyptian Hackers Association. Best, Newtest Hacking Files On the Net, Services such as Hosting, etc, Check It OUt.............Art Of Hacking http://www.eghackers.com/ (4kb) WeLkom To BlacK BraiN's Hackers Area BlacK BraiN's HacKerS Area http://blackbrain.freeservers.com/ (19kb) while(1).org :: "Our social lives are as pathetic as our code." Geek Mafia is a a band of intellectual ruffians defiling the proverbial tuckus of our American corporate police state. Home of the Providence, RI 2600 meeting, and the Phone Losers 401. And lots of cool hacker / computer security stuff. http://geekmafia.dynip.com/ (4kb) Windows bug! This is Hategate's great Hacker page in Germany! Very good downloads and news! http://www.Hategate.de/ (2kb) WWW. - Coming Soon Hacking for the next millenium, HUTEAM, A to Z trojans, binders, icqskin, icq war, irc war, scanners, sub seven page, pldt.com, bo, deep throat, nukes, hack, hacking, linux, trinux, cracking, carding, phreaking, cellular, isp, password files, hacking tutorials. http://www.huteam.com/ (1kb) www.psg.home.ro >> PureSoft Garden Homepage a brand new romanian user-group based mostly on developing (there are some brains there), but also on hacking\trojans. http://www.psg.home.ro/ (4kb) xeo.webjump.com --= ¤·XëÖ·¤ web® 2000-2001 =--< http://xeo.webjump.com/ (3kb) Yoobay.NET Heavy Force http://suse.unixcity.de/hfc/ (5kb) Zeon Underground Hacking and security site from a new and upcommin group in the HPVCA community. We speciallize in exploits and linux distributions..members wanted. http://www.zeonunderground.cjb.net/ (1kb) ZweH -= Zwickauer Excellence Hackers =- Zwickauer Excellence Hackers http://www.zweh.de/ (3kb) [ Forbidden Security Resources ] Forbidden http://forbidden.net-security.org/ (14kb) [ L 0 T - S e c u r i t y ] - [ Security-Downloads.Com ] We have everything you need to wage cyberwar! http://securax.org/l0t/ (2kb) [ w e . 0 w n z - u . o r g ] - Who Owns You? A cyber nation created and run by hackers to shine a guiding light thru the internet and demonstrate possible uses of bleeding-edge technology to enhance life for the masses. http://we.0wnz-u.org/ (1kb) [: hacktivism = hacking x activism : hacktivism@tao.ca : hacktivism.tao.ca :] [: hacking/ the of and /activism :] fusion hacking activism http://hacktivism.tao.ca/ (22kb) [THC] - The Hacker's Choice - Official HomePage We are probably German's best group involved in hacking, phreaking and of course anarchy, in short words H/P/A. http://www.infowar.co.uk/thc/ (2kb) _EhZ_ Crew And Staff _EhZ_ [EHZ] hotmail [EhZ] 5 words needed typing and thats all. you WILL get a reply back from your hack request. http://home.beseen.com/internet/urb4n/members.htm (14kb) __Nordic HackerZ Association__ A place for everyone http://welcome.to/nha (3kb) _¸,.»¬=椺²°`¯[Global Hacking Alliance]¯'`°²º¤æ=¬».,¸_ - Real Hackers Unite - The Global Hacking alliance, a hacking community of over 100 hackers crackers phreakers programmers etc. We offer a zillion of downloads, good text files, good progz, toolz..... http://gha.cjb.net/ (1kb) ||[C]|[Y][B][E][R][S][O][L][D][I][E][R][S]| We are a german elite GFX Site Our Topics are Hacking / gfx / tutorials. http://www.cs2000.tsx.org/ (2kb) †† Z.S.S2k ††/~/~/~/~The Zamial Security Server~\~\~\~\†† Z.S.S2k †† Free E-Mail Service Is Up, Free CHat Service Is Up, And ADD Your Site On My Top 100 Security Related Sites List; APPZ--WITH-CRACKS, SECURITY PROGRAMS, COMPLETE ARCHIVE OF HACKING TOOLS AND TXT's!!!! ANYTHING YOULL NEED IS HERE WHY GO ANY WHERE ELSE !!!!FASTEST SERVER!!!!!! http://Zamial.com/ (14kb) ©º°¨¨°º© Regno di RaulKen ©º°¨¨°º© Felice 2000 http://www.chiaiese.cjb.net/ (22kb) µðÁöÅÐ ÇØÄ¿ Çùȸ digital hacker network in korea http://www.2600.co.kr/ (28kb) ·•ø•· Grøüñd Zérø Ëlîtê ø.· Grøüñd Zérø Ëlîtê "Know it..Phear it" Join Today..DownloadZ..Hacking Tips..and more http://www.groundzero.mainpage.net/ (1kb) ¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·.¸ The Unofficial Dutch [DBG]© Website. ¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·.¸ dutch dbg psp audiograber hack drunk bier http://go.to/DBG (3kb) 272 resource(s) in this category... |