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Home > Hacking > Archives
![]() ![]() Hackers Institute of Technology - Collections of Files for all hackers, from beginner to advanced. http://www.PYR8.com/ (4kb) *******LIONBEATEN HACK******* LIONBEATEN HACK http://home-3.12move.nl/~sh278797/hacksite/ (34kb) ,._='{lvlasterpiece.cjb.net}'=_., New site as of 11-14-2000, already held strong in the top 10 it's first time on a top 100 at haqerz.com top 100. Hacks, cracks, trojans, virii, scanners, texts, newbies, yahoo, and more. http://www.lvlasterpiece.cjb.net/ (1kb) -----==== United Hacker's Software Archive ====-- All H.P.V.C.A Software and Tool's. http://sdhr.tsx.org/ (2kb) ---[ : The X_TeaM : ]---[ Archives ]--- This are the best files all over the net. http://members.xoom.com/_XMCM/x_hellfyre/archive.html (5kb) --=+| gulli.com - gullisworld |+=-- crackz, serialz & vieles mehr - warum für software zahlen? --=+| gullisworld |+=-- warum für Software bezahlen? Auf dieser Seite findet ihr Crackz & Serialz für ausgesuchte Programme mit Downloadlink. Außerdem gibt es hier Infos und Downloadmöglichkeiten für die Serialzlisten Oscar 2000, Octavius und Serials '99 und Tips wie ihr euren Gratis-Webspace werbefrei bekommt. Cracks und Seriennummern ( S/N ) für aktuelle deutschsprachige Programme! http://www.gulli.com/ (19kb) --=+| Oscar & Co |+=-- die besten Serialzlisten Oscar 2000, Octavius und Serials 2000 zum direkten D Download of Oscar 2000, Octavius and Serials 2000 http://www.gulli.com/oscar.shtml (20kb) -[ The HackPlanet ]- Hacking, Phreaking, Exploits, Linux, Security, and more. http://www.thehackplanet.cjb.net/ (1kb) -_-_-AlLiEd HaCkErS-_-_- Hackers kic ass http://www.alliedhackers.cjb.net/ (1kb) -~=]|.S.p.O.o.K.e.E.|[=~- -~=]|.S.p.O.o.K.e.E.'.s.H.a.C.k.E.r.P.a.G.e.|[=~- http://go.to/spookee (3kb) ..--= [ F 0 o l ] =-.. A Great site for Hackers. It´s verr complete but its in Spanisch. The English web is on the way. Texts for Hacking, Linux, Unix and for programing.Theres a seccion for Newbies too http://back.to/dark (1kb) 1 Trojans, virii, r.a.t.s, irc, icq, ports & scanning! http://xxxundergroundxxx.homestead.com/1.html (23kb) 404 Large assortment of Aol-files,Hacking,Trojans,apps and much much more checj us out http://www.stormzdomain.cjb.net/ (66kb) 717fusion.org hacking text files, hacking, hackers, exploits, files, scanners, rootkits http://www.717fusion.org/ (2kb) ::N¤n»¶R¤phêT:: ToolZ Hacking Toolz? Yesss!!! Trojanz, nukerz, mailbomberz, crackerz, firewallz, and programz http://www.angelfire.com/nm/nonprophet/ (10kb) Adeel Looking for hacking? Check out the best site for finding tools about Hacking. http://extremesecurity.8m.com/ (3kb) ANARCHYONLINE HIZMETINIZDE AnaRchIst http://anarchyonline.hypermart.net/ (15kb) Anything illegal? The place to come for viruses,trojans, hacking, cracking, phreaking, carding, drugz, and other stuff that might be of your interest. Still is under construction. http://www.angelfire.com/zine/weedroolz/ (8kb) BACKBACON.COM Over 500Gb of Direct Downloads which include Trojans,Viruses,Mail Bombers, Credit Card generators, IP blockers, scanners, Gamez, Appz, crackers, XXX Porn Movies.... http://backbacon.com/hackersville/ (1kb) Banshee2002's Homepage Has ICQ hacking progz, Hacking text, e-mail bombz, nukerz, virri, trojanz, everything!!! http://www.fly.to/Banshee2002 (3kb) Black Sword Tech Keyloggers, pingers, ICQ war, icq security, Trojans, Nukers, Flooders, BlackICE denfender, ICQ , Aol, Hotmail, Port scanners, scanners, password crackers, Attack utilities, security. and other files, toolz, and utilities. http://www.blacktech.org/ (2kb) Blackdeath's Files I got files from virii to mailbombers........Site is still under construction. http://www.geocities.com/blackdeathfiles/ (2kb) Categories Full collection of all services http://ranfot.da.ru/ (7kb) Computer Coding: Programing Languages. Html, C++, C, Pearl, CGI, Four Tan, Cobal, Java Script, css. Hacking, Hacking tools, downloads, WaReZ, Cracks, Serial Numbers, ICQ Tools, IRC Tools, Mail Bombers, Nukers, Trojan, Utility, Text Files, almost every hacking download on the net. http://members.home.net/m-steele/ (6kb) Craze-E-Hackaz ~ Hacking ~Cracking~ ICQ Toolz~ Mplayer Toolz~Exploits ~ Windows ~ Texts ~ Security ~ Scanners~ Fake ID ~ Warez ~ Spoofers ~ Trojans ~ Programming C++, C¸À¸ì, SGML/HTML, X Window system~ Networking ~ DoS ~ This is THE BEST damn site on the net !!! http://www.craze.is-crazy.com/ (1kb) Cyber Byte Only Text, Win NT, Linux, Unix...etc. Spanish and english. a good recopilation. http://cyber-byte.bored.org/ (1kb) Cyberium Hacking | www.cyberium.org.uk EVERYTHING! aol, anarchy,carding, cracks, crashing, e-bombs, flooding, icq, mIRC, java, keyloggers, multi, netware, nukes, phreaking, scanners, trojans, unix, virii, linux, wingates, security, texts, nt, spoofing, encryption,appz, source codes, programming and needed files!! Even got Chat boot codes!! 946MB of files! http://www.krimson.co.uk/ (2kb) DangerDark ICQ, mailbomers, anonimal, trojans, IRC, unix, firewalls, scanners, ftp, antitrojans, etc http://www.dangerdark.cjb.net/ (1kb) DarkHacker We have it all: cracking, ripping, serials, all what u need! http://www.ksper.com/ (10kb) Data Twirl Communications, daily updated archive of computer security information Data Twirl Communications - a 100meg archive of txt files on comp security, cryptology, programming, phreaking, politics, etc. http://datatwirl.intranova.net/ (1kb) davidovv2 PRO-TECT 2000, all about hacking, security, (free) programs.. http://www.homestead.com/davidovv2/ (30kb) deny.de - web security tools programs wordlists zines proxys All tools that exploit basic authentication. Accessdiver, Goldeneye, Ares a load others. Exploits, wordlists, proxys, proxy tools, wordlist manipulation software. Support. Webboard. Ultimate resource. http://www.deny.de/ (36kb) DEVISION 6 DEVISION 6! APPS, GAMES, IMAGELY ENHANCED CHECK IT OUT!! http://jedijal.tripod.com/ (5kb) diahack.xodox.com Trojaner, Viren, Nuker, Perl-Scripts, port-scanner, mailbomber ... http://www.diahack.xodox.com/ (2kb) Disclaimer I have lots of Hacking, Phreaking, Cracking, and Security texts and files. http://m90online.tripod.com/ (4kb) Downlink's Files Page UNIX, NT, and Oracle Security and Hacking Information. Rainbow books, files, IP ports, links, FAQs. http://www.wittys.com/files.html (7kb) Dual Power Appz, Cracks, programs, TEXTS!!!! 16hacking texts and 18 rainbow books. http://www.dualpower.cjb.net/ (1kb) FaTal3rr0rZ | Main Large Archive of H/P/V/A fileZ We have source code'Z to trojanZ and viruZ and wormZ http://fatal3rr0r.hypermart.net/ (16kb) Fatalz Well a good easy site with no popups hacking/trojans/nukers/password crackers/icq cracks and toolz just check it out http://hack.netherweb.com/hack/ (1kb) Forbidden Software unique software that not exist on any other http or ftp. hacking/security/encoding/isp/warez. real, no bullshit/no porn/ no sex. http://xsoft4u.cjb.net/ (1kb) FortuneCity > 404 Error hacking, cracking, sniffing, spoofing, icq, trojans,... http://members.fortunecity.com/funsite01/ (11kb) GNET009 Muchos programas de hacker, serials, y gane dinero navegando por internet. Conecte y prepare su ordenador con el mejor software. http://members.es.tripod.de/Gnet009/ (6kb) Gnomix Land Mp3,serial,virii,crack, linux, xxx... and moreee http://www.gnomix.cjb.net/ (1kb) Hack & Phreak & Crack & Hacking & Phreacking & Cracking & All underground - jedna z najwiêkszych str Hacking, phracking, cracking & and all any undergroynd. http://adihack.prv.pl/ (1kb) Hack and crack Hacking stuff, for newbies and experienced hackers. (25kb) HackersBlackBook Hacker-Tools, Webmaster-Tools, Handy-Tools, ICQ-Tools free-XXX,MP3 http://www.altavissta.de/ (2kb) Hacking Hacking Tools Nuker und vieles Mehr http://nightingale.tux.nu/ (1kb) Hacking site with the best files and everything else that relates to it : hacking site with the best files always updated also for newbies check it out -=[ Liquid M ]=- http://liquidm3.clanpages.com/ (8kb) Hacking Typewriters ,'":;.:;:'":;:.;.";;..,'.;..";TYPEWRITER HACKING,'":;.:;:'":;:.;.";;..,'.;.."; http://www.angelfire.com/or2/typehack/ (7kb) Hacking, Cracking, Faking, etc. All u need u'll find here !!! http://www.hackisland.b4.to/ (1kb) HackNVp HackN,Icq,mIRC,VpProgs,Aol,Cracks,Mp3s,Carding,To Much To List,See For Yourself http://www.hacknvp.com/ (4kb) Hackrosoft Nukes,Cracks,Trojans,anarchy mailbombs and more. http://redrival.com/rka/ (1kb) HackSurf Hacking Archives and related material http://hacksurf.cjb.net/ (1kb) hackusa THE BEST HACKING WEB PAGE THERE EVER WAS. http://hackusa.homestead.com/ (28kb) http://www.Hackerjack.co.uk Huge archive of informaton and filez on Hacking, Cracking, Phreaking. http://www.hackerjack.co.uk/ (2kb) IceHack links, about hacking, downloads http://www.icehack.hp.ms/ (2kb) Iceman´s Homepage callya Genertor, Soft, Apps,Warez,mp3,Passes... http://www.jump.to/iceman/ (3kb) Illegalworld.com Winnuke, crack, hack, marahuana, anonymous email, anonymous ICQ and more just go and see http://pentagone.cjb.net/ (12kb) index Everything you could possibly want! Brand new! Fully Functional! you wont be dissapointed!!! http://www.geocities.com/otch54/ (15kb) index Come see a great new site with all you need and wants as well as more! http://www.geocities.com/petronix/ (13kb) Index of / We got everything you need, over 140 tools right now.. http://www.thewarindustries.com (1kb) Index of / Trojans, cracking, netbus, subseven, patches, mailbombers, hacking, phreaking, programs, filez, port scanners, sniffers, war dialers, icq, toolz, hackz e.tc http://www.thewarindustries.com/ (1kb) Index of / P H A K T A Z -hacking http://phaktaz.iwarp.com/ (2kb) InstantMoney.cjb.net - get paid with or without surfing the net U are already Surf Why not Get Paid for it - $$$ - Hack pay for surf programs get paid to sleep , make mon http://instantmoney.cjb.net/ (2kb) Internet Transparency Association ORIGINAL hacking software. EXPERIENCE exchange. Exchange always enriches. http://itransa.homestead.com/ita.html (33kb) join Euromedia to change IT NetMole Suite hacking tools.Brute force attack, proxy checker, dictionary creator, spiderz (passwordz finder and leecher from passwordz site)and more to come http://euromedia.hypermart.net/ (22kb) L0T-Security The largest underground and security archive. http://cyberwar.virtualave.net/ (6kb) Le portail des lascars francophones / french speaking hackers' portal le portail des lascars francophones the french hackers' portal news et liens de qualites news and links of interest http://lascars.cjb.net/ (1kb) LEGIONS OF TECH - COMPUTER SECURITY Everithing you need to wage CyberWar. We have over 500Megs of hack/phreak-tools, ICQ-war-tools, trojans, virii,... New texts, programs and exploits added every day. http://www.hack.b3.nu/ (1kb) M r . L i Z å R d | M a i n --- Anarchy Manga Appz Hackz Downloadz Bombs http://mrlizard.gq.nu/ (14kb) MADCHAT.ORG [FR.] Underground Media, Security, Privacy, and eMags Hacking / Cyberpunk. http://madchat.org/ (165kb) MaRkO TooLZ On this page you will find load of software used for cracking, breaking and protecting. Programs such as SoftICE, ProcDump32, Interactive Disassembler, HIEW 6.16 (Hacker's view), Softlocx 4.0 are very popular in the world of hackers. So go ahead and crack those password that you allways wanted! http://www.geocities.com/marko_keber/ (9kb) Micro Hackers Port scanner, trojans, hackers new, virii, wingate scanner, hacking unix, linux, unix info, exploiters, cracking, and a lot more... http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Drive/1324/ (2kb) MicroMetix Corp(r) "Hacking Is Interaction With Technology" MicroMetix Corp(r) We have a huge text archive our own Top50 and more.....News Updated Daily. http://www.micrometix.com/ (46kb) Moonraker Home Page Aqui você vai encontrar tudo o que você precisa, como Hacker,Ant-hacker,Programas, Games, TV e Radio on line, Piadas,Seriais,ICQ,mIRC e muito mais http://www.moonrakerhp.cjb.net/ (1kb) m_text PuraMaldad.com http://www.multimania.com/puramaldad/ (4kb) Narcuz en la WEB MP3, Vídeos, xxx, porno, sexo, sex, Dinero, Cash, money Todo en un solo lugar http://www.geocities.com/narcuz/ (2kb) NBCi 404 Error Hacking Tools http://members.xoom.com/_XMCM/lalesisi/hacking/index.htm (13kb) NBCi 404 Error Spanish site - You can find Security texts tools and links. http://members.xoom.com/hs666/ (13kb) Netpack At netpack you can download al kind of stuff related from hacking to programming and how to crack. http://www.netpack.cjb.net/ (1kb) Nieuwe pagina 1 Secure cybercommunications. Encryption, hacking, security, files and info for beginners and advanced. Keep yourself on. http://www.secure.cybercomm.nl/ (2kb) Ñòðàíèöà áûëà óäàëåíà Russian Site - Tr0jans , Nukers , Spoofers , wormZ , EBombing , cRacking http://www.badsite.hotmail.ru/ (2kb) OVER HACK, by TeTsUo productions HACKING TOT PERÒ EN CATALÀ... ESCLAR. http://www.gratisweb.com/tetsuo69/overhack.htm (6kb) PortalHack Lo mejor del hack!! http://portalhack.cjb.net/ (11kb) Projeto V Brazilian hacking site: zines, text, toolz, links and more http://projetov.hypermart.net/ (20kb) PuraMaldad.com trojans, exploits, gratis, download, tricks, subseven, asylum, psychward, icq, azote http://www.puramaldad.com/ (2kb) Pure Hacking The best hacking site on the net... Tonz of hacking tools and text files!!! http://www.purehacking.co.uk/ (4kb) Safer-Hex.com : Home Page Safer-Hex - features hacker, virus, and privacy news, as well as methods and counter-measures, fixes, and prevention tips. http://www.safer-hex.com/ (17kb) Should We leave? Cool stuff http://hardafind.8m.com/ (5kb) Site Not Found This site is an archive of ICQ tools, HACKING tools, LINKS, TROJANS, SECURITY, and much, much more... http://hackersutopia.bizland.com (1kb) Smithklan.com! Hacking files, programs, and message board for information exchange... http://www.smithklan.com (2kb) Spur of the Moment Elite Social Club archives, links, bulletin boards, member section http://www.sotmesc.org/gcms/ (4kb) Suck My Penis Tons of Toolz and AIM shit..we are 4 real unlike most sites!! http://www.townserver.com/insanehacks/ (1kb) SWiSH [Intro2.swi] Security Information, security news, trojans, firewalls, cleaners, scanners, vulnerabilities, exploits, text files, sniffers, worms, DOS http://www.megasecurity.org/~masterrat/ (1kb) SystemX I'm not much on descriptions so just check the site out. http://SystemX.home.dhs.org/ (4kb) THE MAXx HQ Hacking, Cracking files & links & search forms, Virii - Remote Control Trojans, Java Applets, Cash links http://biggy2.cjb.net/ (11kb) The place to download...... This is the place to download all the nukes, trojans, scanners and ICQ-related software. http://www.tristan.f2s.com/ (2kb) The Site A file supply site for hacking tools and files. http://pages.hotbot.com/biz/grievous13/index.html (5kb) the ugliest man Over 110 files so far, with more being added all the time. Easy to navigate and contains a wide variety of information and programs. http://chiba-city.webprovider.com/ (1kb) The Windows Arena - How to Hack from your Windows Machine A large site with everything to do thih Hacking, Cracking and more. We have tonnes of texts and proges... http://www.angelfire.com/ut/devilslounge/lounge.htm (6kb) This page is temporary unavailable HardSOFT - Best Hard progs! http://hardsoft.nordnet.ru/ (1kb) Tripod Hacking/Phreaking,texts and programs http://members.tripod.com/Dumbe11/stuff.html (8kb) Tripod The Deltasitez maintains a hugh archive with DOS, Trojan, ICQ, IRC, DLL, OCQ, Deamon and Internet files. http://deltasitez.tripod.com/ (9kb) Tristan's stuff back orifice netbus download icq nukes tristan hack hackers and hacked http://tristan.50megs.com/ (4kb) Underground H@VOCK, A new begining Serials, Programs, Cracks, Anarchy, Txts...Everything You Need! http://uhavock.cjb.net/ (1kb) Untitled Hacking, Nuking, Phreaking, Virii, Trojans, Cracking ect.. http://w3.to/immortalz (3kb) Untitled Resource !! Ultimate and Everything YOU need! Links! Search Engines !! Crack Places!! http://www.diamondresources.8m.com/ (10kb) Untitled Hacks, cracks, icq, trojans, nukers, protection, downloads! http://www.angelfire.com/ok3/hacks/ (3kb) Untitled anarchy bombs explosives hacking cracking hackers programs files bleach sniffers http://www.fade.to/logik (3kb) Untitled hackz viruz icq by A&D http://www.geocities.com/area51/atlantis/7354/ (1kb) Untitled hacking and security links and files as big brother may now be watching http://www.matrix-world.co.uk/ (1kb) Untitled Just like the other Blackdeath's Files archive but larger and better looking http://www.geocities.com/blackdeathfiles/main.swf (26kb) Untitled Remote Control UK - Hacking fun for all the family. Virii, Trojans, Mail Bombers, ICQ tools, Cracking, Key Loggers, text files & the Hacked Web Page Archive... http://rcuk.org/ (1kb) Untitled Featuring original and un-original documents, programs, a large unix section, neophyte info, and more. Is your system secure enough? http://mistral.aviary-mag.com/ (1kb) Untitled A newbie related site containing 8 starter tutorials and a constantly updated rescource section http://www.system-crash.co.uk/ (1kb) Untitled Security news,exploits,article,and tools! http://coconut.yesky.net/ (1kb) Untitled New Hacking Tutorials Come and learn how it's done, learn what you can and can't do! Learn what you can do when the feds come knocking at your door! Come and download! http://www.nikoni.com/tutorials.htm (6kb) Untitled Trojans, BlackICE defender, nukers, flooder, scanners, password crackers, ICQ AOL Hotmail utilities and many other hacking utilities and tools. http://www.go.to/thehzone (3kb) Untitled Hacking: Downloads, text files, Icqtools, nukers. http://www.angelfire.com/ab3/huck/ (1kb) Vipers World All 'bout Hacking - Phreaking - Coding ! ENJOY ! Tonz of Tutz and Filez http://www.dark-angelz.de/ (2kb) Wangs Domain Many tools for download as well as the Hack FAQ series which is now up to volume 5! http://welcome.to/wangsdomain (3kb) Wardom.org The Warfactory.120mb hacking programs,68 trojan with screen shot and infos,700 exploits and much more http://www.wardom.org/ (60kb) Warez.com - We are the underground! Warez.com - We are the underground! http://www.warez.com/ (15kb) Web Inexistente Pagina en donde encontraras utilidades Hacker Mp3 Vqf ICQ Chistes Buscadores Sofware appz plugins downloands etc... etc... http://www.lanzadera.com/omega5/ (4kb) WELCOME TO area51 HACKING Underground search engine. Hacking, phreaking, free cable tv, how to hack hotmail, trojans, exploits, carding, icq tools, virii. http://www.caspers.org/area51.html (16kb) Welcome to the Dream World... A Dream World , where all your Dream May come True , itize just a dream is dedicated to ICQ Hacking , VB Sources , Fractal , Crackz, Serialz,Viruz,and a lot of more , and don't forget itize still alive ! http://www.itize.wxs.org/ (1kb) Welcome to The HackPalace: hack, crack, phreak, security, anonymous, mail, linux, unix, bsd, exploit The HackPalace. Contains more than 450mb of high quality, well sorted underground and computer security info! http://www.hackpalace.com/ (2kb) Wellcome To AbuelA TeaM Hacking, Cracking, Games, Text, Mail Bombers, Manuales Y MUCHO MAS!!! http://www.abuela.org.ar/ (3kb) www.hack.co.za DarkNet http://www.hack.co.za/ (7kb) x corp cool web site for Hackers, cracking, irc, anarchy, web design, music, mp3, video, panecillos http://www.xcorpteam.cjb.net/ (1kb) [ alpha security ] A hacker doesn't say what he know's, a lamer doesn't know what he say's... http://alphasecurity.cjb.net/ (1kb) [ eternal.Hacking.crew ][ trojans, security, ICQ hacking tools , IRC hacking , spoofers , scanners ] The best HPVCA on the net http://3hc.cjb.net/ (1kb) [CONVEXED] Networks Pixel Format is run independently by Thurf and is the unofficial archives of the underground and advanced technologies. There are text files of many computer subjects from hacking to programming. Best of all, there are no misleading links or other discernable content. It is all presented in an easy manner to understand (I think so anyway). http://www.nettrash.com/users/thurf@yahoo.com (7kb) | UNDEFINEDZERO.NET | A large collection of phreaking/hacking texts and books, hopefully soon we will upload many programs and scripts http://www.undefinedzero.net/ (2kb) ==[: DI - DigIntrus :]== © Where the d|gi+@l world begins! A hacking/security site dedicated to helping secure personal computers http://www.digintrus.com/ (27kb) 135 resource(s) in this category... |